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Accounting Services
Are you spending more time trying to manage your books than your business?
- Do you want experienced professionals to handle your accounting tasks, but can not afford a full-time accountant?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, Oneserve Ltd can solve your accounting problems. Handing off your accounting tasks to Oneserve Ltd will allow you to focus on the core issues of your business. Accurate accounting of your books will allow you more time to take informed decisions concerning your business. You’ll be attracted by our friendliness and you’ll be amazed by the quality of our services.
Benefits of using our accounting services
- Help on deciding what type of entity to set up when you first get started;
- Ensure that you pay the correct types of taxes on time.
- Advise you on deductions and tax allowable expenses.
- Advise and guide you through an audit if you need one.
- Compile your financial records for the previous years.
- Help you understand your financial statements. We will help you analyze your financial statements so you can understand even better what is going on in your business.
Why you will choose us?
- You want a high level of SERVICE
- We have a POSITIVE approach and believe we can make a difference in your organization.
- We use a PROFESSIONAL approach to any project or client we undertake
- Efficiency and accuracy rank high amongst our VALUES
- We believe in a continuous IMPROVEMENT philosophy in everything we do
- Our team is DRIVEN by a key set of work values
- We aspire to be our client's key STRATEGIC advisor and partner
- Building long-term customer RELATIONSHIPS is our passion
- You want the CONVENIENCE of dealing with one professional accounting practice
- You want INNOVATIVE solutions to your ever-changing business challenges
- Our skills are continuously UPDATED to provide you with the latest solutions.
Payroll Processing
Recruitment Services
Audit & Assurance Services
Consulting Services
Company Set-Up
Training & Development
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is P.A.Y.E.?
- How do I know whether I need an accountant?
- Do I need an auditor?
- Why do I need an audit every year?
- When do I have to pay my taxes as a company?
- I am a qualified accountant. Why can't I audit my company?
- Can a relative who is qualified, audit my company?
- How does the tax year operates in Cyprus?
- Can you give us an estimate of your fees?
This is tax deducted from the salaries of all employees including the directors of the company. This is payable at the end of the following month.
If you have a business either in the form of sole trader or a company then most probably you will have to charge VAT on your products or services especially if your annual sales exceed €15,600. (Special rules apply even if your sales are below that amount so you have to seek an advice from us before you decide whether you need to register for VAT purposes). When you have daily transactions then you have to keep evidence in the form of receipts and invoices and certain accounting records. If you are not a qualified accountant then you most probably need one to keep your accounting records updated. Even if you are small firm not eligible to register for VAT, chances are you will need a loan from a bank or other type of finance. These people need proof of your business results. Having your financial statements prepared and checked by a qualified accountant will make them more reliable and will increase the possibility of the finance being approved. Besides the cost of having an accountant outweighs the cost of errors or penalties incurred by businesses that choose not to employ one.
If you are a company then you definitely need to have an auditor and if you have a business making more than €70,000 annual turnover, then you too need to submit audited financial statements.
A Ltd company has certain advantages as a form of entity. However it also has certain obligations and one of those is to submit audited financial statements to the registrar of companies annually.
The company has to pay provisional tax in three installments on 1 August, 30 September and 31 December. There are many other payment deadlines for other types of taxes and submission of forms which you should consult with us to avoid incurring penalties.
An auditor must be independent of the company. Thus you cannot audit your own company because you are not independent. The rules of professional conduct prohibit the audit of companies or businesses by people that have interests in the company.
For reasons mentioned before the answer is no!
The tax year runs from 1 January until the 31 December. The same holds true for individuals and companies.
We will have a meeting with you and ask you certain information regarding the operations of your business. As everybody, we base our fees on the time spend on entering your transactions. Therefore we need to know the volume of your transactions and the amounts involved. Also the complexity of all transactions is one of our criteria. For example 20 transactions per month sound like a small company. However if those 20 transactions involved imports or exports then that involves a lot of time from our part in entering and checking the documents.

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